
Archive for July 4, 2011

Holiday Stuff

It’s been mostly a lazy sort of holiday weekend. Hubby and I have been hanging out at home. We aren’t going downtown for the 4th of July, this year. I really wanted to attend the local Blues Festival too. Oh well, there is always next year.

The weather is perfect. Low 80’s and sunshine. Not too hot and not chilly. Just perfect. I have no complaints.

Yesterday evening I had a wild hair to go a-baking. I went into the kitchen with one of my cookbooks and decided to make Jelly Rolls. It’s pretty much a thin sponge-type cake with jelly inside. I used the jelly I had on hand, in the fridge. It’s boysenberry. One of my favorites. The little Jelly Rolls turned out really well. They appear harder to make than they really are. The family likes them too.

I want to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July! 😀


So…this next photo is of my daughter sitting on our front porch. That is our front door. She has some strange friends. I guess toilet papering someone’s home is out these days? Let’s tape drawing and random quotes all over the front door! Hannah’s two friends were bored and made these drawings, mostly of cats, and put them on our door. They thought they were being funny. Several of the neighbors came over to read the notes, wondering what was going on. The friends took this photo and then Hannah took them down, quick-like. It was pretty funny. The photo makes me giggle.

Hannah is like, “WTF?”

Hubby went to take out the trash, this morning, and there is silly string ALL over our front porch. WHY? This time it wasn’t one of Hannah’s little friends. It was one of our 11 year old neighbor boys. He did it a second time, and we saw him do it. What is it about my front door/porch that says, make a mess this weekend? Some people have WAY too much time on their hands.

I am off to clean the back patio…scrub the chairs and bench. I am planting my butt out on the patio to knit, later. I’m enjoying the really nice weather while it lasts. Toodles for now!

Categories: domestic, general, motherhood